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Campaigns and studies

We carry out campaigns and studies in various subject areas together with other organisations. These include the areas of municipal One World work, biodiversity, green economy and air quality. A selection of current and completed projects is briefly presented below.

Municipal One World Labour

Stocktaking of the development policy actor landscape in municipalities

In 2021, agado was commissioned by the Service Agency Communities in One World of Engagement Global gGmbH to conduct a survey in the district of Munich and in Langweid in order to gain an overview of the large number of actors involved in local One World work. The activities and goals of the local actors were compiled. A further aim of the stocktaking was to support existing development partnerships and projects in the districts and to network them with each other. A brochure with the results of the inventory in Langweid can be downloaded here.

More information on the project can be found here.

Study on the development policy commitment of Rhineland-Palatinate municipalities

Numerous municipalities in Rhineland-Palatinate are actively involved in development policy. In order to better support the various municipal actors in their development policy activities in the future and to be able to network them with each other, agado conducted a study on the development policy engagement of Rhineland-Palatinate municipalities in 2014. The aim was to gain an overview of the actors, topics and fields of action of municipal One World work. In addition, findings were to be gathered on the future support and networking needs of the cities and municipalities. The study provides recommendations for action to support municipal development policy. It can be downloaded here.

More information on the project can be found here.

Corporate environmental protection

Biodiversity at the company site

Business activities have an impact on biodiversity, i.e. the diversity of species and habitats. Together with ifuplan, agado produced guidelines on biodiversity in companies for the Bavarian State Office for the Environment and the Bavarian Academy for Nature Conservation and Landscape Management in 2018. The interactive graphic "Diversity on site - steps towards sustainable biodiversity management" and the "Unternehmen Natur" guide offer companies suggestions and information on feasible measures that have a positive impact on biodiversity. These can be taken in the following areas, among others: species-rich flowering meadows on the company's premises and buildings, global supply chain, energy, rainwater management and environmental management systems.

More information on the project can be found here.

Online industry guides - environmental tips for your company

Companies can contribute a great deal to climate protection and save costs at the same time. The online industry guidelines and checklists from the Bavarian State Office for the Environment (LfU) are designed to help small and medium-sized companies in particular to get started with corporate environmental protection. They offer concise and clearly organised information and suggest measures, some of which are easy to implement. Since 2012, online guides have already been created for 10 sectors. agado is now adding the brewing, hotel and catering and textile cleaning sectors to these.

More information on the project can be found here.

Employee motivation for environmentally conscious behaviour

The motivation and behaviour of employees is essential for the economic balance and operational environmental protection in companies. In order to support the environmental awareness of employees, agado developed a guide for environmental officers in companies in collaboration with alma grafica and on behalf of the LfU. This provides environmental teams with assistance and easy-to-implement measures to motivate employees to adopt environmentally conscious behaviour in the workplace. The guide can be downloaded here.

More information on the project can be found here.

Green Economy

Green economy in the Alpine region

The concept of the "green economy" is considered an essential building block for the implementation of sustainable development in the economic dimension. In Europe, the objective of a "green economy" is closely linked to the implementation of the European Green Deal, which aims to make Europe the first climate-neutral continent. This goes hand in hand with a reorganisation of the European economy and society in order to achieve the climate targets in a fair and cost-efficient manner while maintaining competition.

In the preamble to its framework convention, the Alpine Convention emphasises the need to reconcile economic interests with the protection of ecological, social and cultural resources. The Alpine region is to become a pilot region for the development of a green economy; the concept is included in many activities of the Alpine Convention.

Together with ifuplan, agado has realised various projects aimed at supporting green economy activities in the Alpine region and investigating the current status.

More information on the project can be found here.

Air Quality

Healthy Streets for Metropolitan Living

Together with Global Action Plan UK and Work on progress, agado carried out the "Healthy Streets for Metropolitan Living" project. The aim was to find out what significance air quality has for tenants in Germany, the Netherlands and the United Kingdom. The project also investigated the influence that various stakeholder groups can play in creating green and healthy cities.

More information on the project can be found here.

Raising awareness of air quality in the workplace

Dust produced in manufacturing companies is a serious health risk. In order to sensitise companies and decision-makers to the risks of poor air quality and the opportunities of good air quality in the workplace, agado is conducting the "Raising awareness of air quality in the workplace" campaign. The status quo was first determined through research and interviews (perception and existing knowledge in companies, regulations, measures). On this basis, an information campaign is being developed that supports a change towards better air quality in the workplace through solutions and ideas for action.

More information on the project can be found here.





   It is not because things are difficult that we do not dare, it is because we do not dare that they are difficult.