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About us

agado – Gesellschaft für nachhaltige Entwicklung

agado: Esperanto for action / acting / doing.

Our goal is to contribute to a fairer, more responsible and sustainable organisation of our society. Since 2010, we have been supporting people, organisations, municipalities and companies on their way to a more sustainable way of life and economy. Together with our partners, we promote sustainable thinking and action in people and organisations.

Our work is based on three pillars:

1. Sustainable procurement in municipalities and companies

Public authorities, especially local authorities and companies, are increasingly using the concept of sustainable procurement to fulfil their global responsibility and support sustainable economic structures. The targeted demand for energy-efficient and ecological products and services reduces the burden on the environment, improves the supply of environmentally friendly goods and services and reduces the company's own carbon footprint. Compliance with labour and human rights along the global supply chain helps to improve the living conditions of people in the Global South. We provide training and advice to support public and private institutions in making their procurement more sustainable and embedding this in their organisation.

2. Educational projects for sustainable development

Education is an important part of our work. We carry out innovative educational projects that inform older and younger people about topics relating to fair trade, fair globalisation and environmental and climate protection. The projects also enable our target groups to become active themselves and organise their actions more sustainably. Many of the educational projects take place in cooperation with our partners.

3. Campaigns and studies

We carry out campaigns and studies together with other organisations in various subject areas. These include the areas of air quality, biodiversity, green economy, municipal one-world work and fair trade.

We are convinced that responsible and sustainable action can be achieved in many different ways. Finding the right path for you means daring to make a new start, taking on new challenges and learning from each other. Our activities and programmes will enable you to find and follow your own path.




Paths are made by walking.
Antonio Machado


How sustainable procurement works in small municipalities:

Tools to support the process


Project proCURE, funded by Program Erasmus+, is currently developing a manual and a digital toolbox. These resources are designed to help procurers and decision-makers in small municipalities with up to 5,000 inhabitants implement sustainable procurement practices.

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ATTUNE project

Save the date: international dissemination event


On 10 October 2024 ATTUNE will present its approach and methods to the public. The University of Hildesheim will host the event.

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Make Education Not War

"Make Education Not War" campaign to support Ukrainian teachers


Teachers in Ukraine are determined to continue teaching despite the current difficult situation. For this to succeed, they need financial support!

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