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Make Education Not War

"Make Education Not War" campaign to support Ukrainian teachers

Teachers in Ukraine are determined to continue teaching despite the current difficult situation. For this to succeed, they need financial support!

The "Make Education Not War" campaign supports Ukrainian teachers in continuing to teach (online). The teachers in the "Teachers for Democracy and Partnership" network are endeavouring to continue teaching despite the current circumstances and to be of help to their students in the current situation. They need support to do this:

Click here to go to the fundraising campaign.

The campaign is being coordinated by the NGO Global Action Plan International. The project is led by Galina Gulpan and Olena Zarichna, two Ukrainian teachers who are supporting the participating teachers in their efforts and coordinating the activities.

Initially, work will be carried out with a group of teachers from 30 schools before the project is extended to the whole country. A large part of the lessons will take place online, partly because many have fled their home countries. To ensure that lessons can still continue, some new equipment is needed, such as computers or tablets.

As many pupils and teachers are very frightened and unsettled by the current situation, additional support is needed to help them cope with trauma.

In addition, lessons are to be organised for the refugee pupils on Saturdays so that they can learn about important topics such as integration into their new environment and the maintenance of the school in their native language.

More information about the campaign can be found here.

With a donation you can support the campaign and thus the teachers and students from Ukraine in these difficult times. Click here to go to the fundraising campaign. The fundraising campaign is being organised via Just Giving.




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